Wowzers, man alive! Look at that moss defying gravity. Somebody should write a song about this or something. What else can hang onto a wet rock at 90 degrees like that? Spiderman, that's the only other thing that comes to my mind, spiderman and moss. I think I smell a new superhero brewing.
MOSSMAN! with the superhuman power to cling to the shady side of buildings.
On a completely different note, but yet, on the same page. I'm going on a trip to Frye Island which is smack dab in the middle of Sebago Lake in Maine. I can only hope that like my trip to the Adirondacks last month, this one will yield a plentiful bounty of moss pictures.
check back tomorrow for Mossome 4 ; Revenge of the Moss
1 comment:
these posts are hilarious. also, 'wowzers' is definitely my word. You owe me royalties... budzo.
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